Prepared by:

Betito, Mayra B.

Definition of Character

1.Character is the sum of continuously developing moral and ethical qualities and the demonstration of those qualities in people's emotional responses, thinking, reasoning, and behavior.

2.Character may be represented by values and virtues:

Personal values—people's ideals expressed by their behavior in a wide range of situations and activities (e.g., honesty, courage, perseverance, self-discipline, responsibility, integrity)
Social values—people's behavior and attitudes toward others, especially in relation to family, peers, teachers, and others in their immediate social environment (e.g., caring, respect, empathy, trustworthiness, fairness, tolerance of diversity)
Civic virtues—people's behavior and attitudes toward the community, society, and government (e.g., engaged citizenship, patriotism, justice, welfare)

3. Character conveys:
Moral knowledge and reasoning—people’s behavior that is based in moral ideals, such as considering others' perspectives, treating others as one wishes to be treated, acting as one wishes anyone would act in the same situation, and honoring the intrinsic worth of each person
Moral emotions—people's behavior that demonstrates empathy and sympathy for others and situation-appropriate feelings of guilt and remorse toward the self.